The Virtual Gastric Band is a remarkable weight loss program which was pioneered by Sheila Granger in the United Kingdom. Having trained with Sheila Granger on The Virtual Gastric Band procedure, we are now pleased to offer the program to clients in our hypnotherapy clinic located at Sunbury in Victoria. We also run the program from time to time in regional areas of Victoria and NSW.
The program is strictly run on a one to one basis. They are not group sessions. The sessions are personalised for the individual via a questionnaire which is completed prior to the first session.
The Virtual Gastric Band program is not a diet. We all know that diets only work in the short term, and that once the diet is stopped, any weight that was lost whilst on the diet quickly returns.
Sheila Granger's Virtual Gastric Band Program uses hypnosis to condition the sub-conscious mind into believing that a band has been placed around the top portion of the stomach in order to create a small stomach pouch thus reducing the amount of food that one needs to eat in order to feel full. And, because it's not a diet, you won't feel deprived, miserable or hungry, which are the issues that usually cause diets to fail.